The P4H Blog
Exercise: Resist the head
In this video, I demonstrate one more neck tension relieving exercise - also from the Qigong series, "Eight Pieces of Brocade" (although, this particular move is from Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming's* 'sitting set', and therefore, it can easily be done, well, sitting. Or, even while you're still in bed.)
Exercise: Freeing and strengthening the neck
As you'll hear me say in the video, this move comes from a Qigong routine called, "The Eight Pieces of Brocade".
As the legend goes, it was developed in the 11th century by a Chinese general to help strengthen, revitalize and even heal his troops before and after battle.
Exercise: Ramping your head
Now that we've introduced you some ideas about 'good posture' and alignment (which will continue to be fleshed out as this series goes along), let's try an alignment-oriented movement, which addresses the relationship between your head and your upper body.